Welcome to SQ Parenting

Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is more than an attention-grabbing concept. It describes an essential aspect of the multiple intelligences model in understanding individual strength.  SQ is also a proposed concept in various scientific studies involving brain science and psychological research.  The other aspects of multiple intelligences are IQ and EQ, which we are more familiar with.  Some may view IQ as one’s essential ability to use and apply knowledge.  EQ may be considered to be one’s ability to manage the interactions of experience and relationship.  SQ may be viewed as the ability to create new patterns of interaction and transform the existing relationships.

Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is defined as “our most fundamental intelligence. It is what we use to develop our capacity for meaning, vision, and value. It allows us to dream and to strive.  SQ helps us to live up to our potential for better, more satisfying lives”. (Zohar, 2000)

In some ancient traditions, spirituality is related to a more profound sense of life.  However, spirituality also resonates with daily living.  Anything that we live for suffering through, enjoy, love, hate, dream, and endured is the scope of spiritual living.  In our current exploration of parenting, we would like to apply the concept of SQ to our parenting approach.  Our explorations will include questions like: How do our children develop strong spirituality in life? How our children develop meaning, motivation, and discipline for life pursuits? How do they develop self-initiative to explore and learn? How do they become relational savvy kids that create positive influences among their friends? How do they develop healthy boundaries through robust relationships?  How do they promote strong values and beliefs that drive excellence?  How do they face temptations with confidence?  How do they develop resilience? How do they meet peer pressure with strong convictions? How do they live as good stewards of the environment? How can they live a good life?

Zohar, D. (2000). SQ: Connecting with Our Spiritual Intelligence, London: Bloomsbury.

P.S. Please feel free to click on the previous entries of Fathers and Daughters Blog. You will find some interesting discussions and resources.  Share it and welcome your comments.


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