SQ Wisdom: Learn to "play"

We become more like the person when we "play" with him or her.  If we are brought up with strict rules and regulations, we live more like tiger moms or dictator dads.  If we grow alongside our children in learning how to cheer, comfort, challenge, and motivate them, we learn how to "play" with them.

5  Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.
6  Listen for GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.
7  Don't assume that you know it all. Run to GOD! Run from evil! (another version says God will make our path straight.)

As human beings, we become what we eat.  We become more like who we trust or treasure?  Trust is an essential ingredient to any good relationship.  How do I trust anyone at all or Father God?   The answer is to go back to our growing up experiences.  Did I trust anyone at all? What was the result of believing them? Some of us gained trust in people because they were reliable and safe.  We played with them, learned to laugh at ourselves and failures with them by our side.  We accepted the limits and boundaries of life.  We relied on them by expressing and meeting our needs, whether in big or small matters.  However, for some of us, we withdrew to prevent repeated disappointments and hurts.   We stopped trusting the person whom we initially relied on.  We eventually did everything by ourselves rather than waiting for the person to meet our needs.  We stopped "playing" with that person.  We stopped gaining wisdom from them.  We stopped going on a straight path.  We started a lot of detours in life.

Since childhood, we build trusting relationships through "play."  In "playing," we test the relationship, communicate, work out problems, and build trust.  "Playing" is our natural way of learning.  "Playing" is when we are curious, open, observant, and receptive to what is going on around us.  "Playing" is an attitude and approach to life that most adults need to rediscover.  We develop trust in God as we "play" with Him.  As a result, we will be familiar with his voice, and we don't need to assume control over everything we do.

How do we play with God?
  • By observing what He is doing around you
  • By asking Him questions that you wonder about
  • By trying something new that you may not be familiar with
  • By expressing your needs to Him
  • By seeking His comfort
  • By thanking Him
  • By trusting Him more
"Playing" with God helps us to play with our children.  


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