SQ Wisdom: The Righteous Living

There is a way of life called "Righteous Living."  It is not about being morally right or religiously pure.  It is a fundamental concept of living with common sense, decency, wisdom, and goodness.  It shows up in speech and actions.  It results in a happy and secure future.

Proverbs 10 collected various pictures of this life: 
1. The righteous living relates to a communicating family, characterized by joy (v.1, 28)
2. The righteous living involves diligence and responsibility, which results in fulfilling basic needs and security (v.2-5)
3. The righteous living is known for good reputation and integrity (v.6-10)
4. The righteous living is full of wise and encouraging words that build (v. 11, 12, 20, 21, 31, 32)
5. The righteous living create security and hope for the future (v. 25, 30)

"Righteous Living" is in tune with God's natural law.  It carries personal and relational benefits to the community.  We need to study it and practice it.  Our righteous lives are to be valuable inheritance and heritage to be passed on to our children.

Proverbs 10:30 (The Message)
 Good people last—they can't be moved; the wicked are here today, gone tomorrow.


  1. In our discussion time, Dr. Lawrence talked about how asking questions is more important than just providing answers. I would like to share an article about how Google tries to create new world-changing companies that could eventually become the next Google. It all starts with finding the right questions.



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