Palm Sunday is coming

Palm Sunday is coming this weekend.  It marks the beginning of Easter Week or Passion Week.  It tells the story of Jesus’ last week before he was crucified and resurrected.  It is the center of the Christian story and message.

What does Palm Sunday mean to you as a parent?  It is not just a church event. It relates to a meaningful practice that gives our children a sense of confidence and protection from feeling rejected.  How so? Please read on.

Palm Sunday is the King of the Universe's story coming to His people, entering the ancient city of Jerusalem, the city of peace.  Paradoxically, His people rejected him, and the city becomes the city of violence committed against the Prince of Peace.  Every Easter, this story is told from a fresh angle.  Parents will be able to share this story by reading together, watching video clips online, and utilizing churches' materials.  

Palm Sunday is about Jesus, who was welcomed by the ordinary people but rejected by the educated religious elite.  Jesus understood that He received a mission from God.  He went to Jerusalem to complete God's Will.  He entered the city on a humble donkey but welcomed royalty by the people who laid down the palm leaves and their coats.  We could repeat this story many times, and had the effect of encouraging our children to perceive life beyond the surfaces.  They may be trained to look at matters at a deeper level.  Things are not as how it appears.  

In Proverbs 21: 30,31, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.  The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.”  Through this story, our children learn to rest their confidence in the Lord God, who is in charge of history, in charge of life and death, and in control of our lives.  They know that Jesus is the King.  They will build up their resilience by participating in the Easter activities, listening to the gospel stories, and experiencing the Easter Lord's presence in the family rituals and relationships.

A great song that the family will enjoy listening to and dancing along to:


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